
all a.flutter [i wait with baited breath?]

the anticipation of my molecules to yours is enough to slowly feast on for
unforeseeable amounts of time

i see and am Willing.

it's more reality than i may be capable of recognizing now without
one; long; sigh

your hands

when your hands go out,
love, toward mine,
what do they bring me flying?
Why did they stop
at my mouth, suddenly,
why do I recognize them
as if then, before,
I had touched them,
as if before they existed
they had passed over
my forehead, my waist?

Their softness came
flying over time,
over the sea, over the smoke,
over the spring,
and when you placed
your hands on my chest,
I recognized those golden
dove wings,
I recognized that clay
and that color of wheat.

All the years of my life
I walked around looking for them.
I went up the stairs,
I crossed the roads,
trains carried me,
waters brought me,
and in the skin of the grapes
I thought I touched you.
The wood suddenly
brought me your touch,
the almond announced to me
your secret softness,
until your hands
closed on my chest
and there like two wings
they ended their journey.


(("not capable of being foretold"


(it was a month ago now)

been gone so long.

for g - l - o - r - i - a

expect the best
For all the hurt I suffered
and all the pain I bore
It didn't make me love less
It made me love even more

We shouldn't hide our feelings
or play childish games
We should give our all and then some
and in faith expect the same.
Gloria E. Sparrow

simple; true; alarmingly elusive--
from the woman who instilled all the people I come from with
the ability to love crazily

won't dish the dirt
with the rest of the broads--
that's why the lady is a tramp.

my Grandmother, Gloria, refused to go with the other ladies into the kitchen after a big holiday meal had been finished to do dishes.
she stuck around in the dining room, smokin with the boys.
there was never another like her, and there will never be.