
she's long gone with her red shoes on gotta find another livin baby

r: Tell me a secret.
: How about you tell me one.
Wait, you're no fun, you can't:
you don't have any secrets.
r: Maybe that's my problem.

I don't think bloodreddark passion is separate from God. God gave us glorious bodies and all the kinds of things we can do with them and intensity and tremulousness and fragility and vulnerability and hunger and desire and hot breath and beating hearts and burning wills, humming molecules. And above all, passion.

I know Henry thinks I'm mad because I only want fever. I don't want objectivity. I don't want distance. I don't want to become detached.
Anais (take that, Impermeables)

besame en todos los lugares donde la luz no mira en las casas escondidas de mi cuerpo donde
viven los deseos que no han volado
como canciones desperdidas

Everything you know about me, I gave you.
Katherine McBride


Anonymous said...

interesting read. I would love to follow you on twitter.

embelesada said...